
Richard reid presents

Dramatically increase lead generation - without relying on family & friends, and without spending a fortune on advertising

12 Ways to get Real Estate Leads


Richard Reid

Richard Reid

If you would like to see dramatic increases in your lead generation without having to rely on referrals from family and friends, or spending a fortune on advertising . . . 

Then this will be a great masterclass for you

But First, Read This Disclaimer:

This isn't one of those "overnight real estate" gimmicks that promises you the world for doing nothing.

Here's the deal...

In this on-demand masterclass, you are going to discover 12 WAYS TO GET REAL ESTATE LEADS. This is working great for me and others I work with... and I believe it can help you, too.

However, my results are not typical. I’m not implying you’ll duplicate them (or do anything for that matter).

I have enjoyed the benefits of real estate for 17 years, and have an established set of skills and mindsets as a result.

The average person who buys any real-estate “how to” information gets little to no results.

Your results will vary and depend on many factors… including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic.

Anything worth doing in life involves risk, as well as massive and consistent effort and action. If you're not willing to accept that and do some work, PLEASE DO NOT ENROLL FOR THIS MASTERCLASS.

Get Real Estate Leads

With that said… let me ask...

Do You Feel Overwhelmed With All The Information That's Out There?

I know when I started my real estate adventure 17 years ago and tried to sell listings… I was lost.

I didn’t know what to do!

There are so many blogs, courses, videos, and websites out there that teach specific real estate tactics.

Everything from advertising on tv or radio to reaching out to friends and family... plus everything in between.

How do you know which strategies are right for you?

How do you know what advertising solution to employ?

How do you know what's "actually" working in real estate today?

And how do you take all the strategies you discover and know what order to do them all in so that they will actually work to help you reach your real estate goals?

It’s hard to figure all of this real estate stuff out from scratch!

For that reason, I created an on-demand masterclass called  12 WAYS TO GET REAL ESTATE LEADS  .

When you enroll and attend this masterclass, I will break down the following: 

12 Ways to get leads (slides 2-14)
Current topics to use in your marketing - (slide 15) 
How to get started generating leads (slide 16)

Whether you are just starting your real estate journey or you've been on this road for years...

And you’re trying to figure out what you should be doing and in what order to really achieve success with your real estate career. . . 

I will share with you what to do in the  12 WAYS TO GET REAL ESTATE LEADS   Masterclass.

Exactly What You're Getting

First of all, this is dramatically different from anything you've ever seen because it's more of a "field guide" to real estate than a traditional "webinar" or "course".

There's no fluff or filler. It immediately gets down to methods you can use that are working right now.

And they're easy to understand!

You can enjoy the masterclass in an afternoon.

And you'll immediately "get" access to advertising methods I use to attract clients to me.

Plus, even though I've used this system to sell a lot of real estate...

It's about MORE than just generating leads...

You see, you can use the same system in this masterclass to attract clients you want to work with.

Most people fail to reach their property selling goals because they hit a brick wall.

Normally, when you earn bigger commissions, you also add more work and inevitably run out of time.

In this masterclass, I'll show you how to flip the script and how simple convincing people to buy from you can be (if you follow the right path.)

I recommend taking a look at exactly what you're going to get leads right now and to jot down some notes on what you want to pay close attention to when you attend... because...

This masterclass is specifically designed for people who want to attract leads like a pro!

After you apply my tactics, you'll be able to simply repeat the process to create whatever level of real estate you want on demand.

When you attend this 12 WAYS TO GET REAL ESTATE LEADS  Masterclass...

Your mind will expand. You will get more clients to reach out to you. Your ability to open the floodgates at the mere "flip of a switch" will be in your hands.

I promise you, once you attend this masterclass you'll never look at selling real estate the same way ever again.

It really is that powerful!

Laptop On Desk

It's all laid out for you in plain English. There's no sugar-coating, no beating around the bush, and no B.S.

I like to teach with clarity by making it simple for you.

I've included methods that will appeal to people with different skill sets, skill levels, and different personalities.  Real estate agents are not one size fits all, and there are plenty of methods that work for you to find one that you are happy implementing!

Okay Richard, I'm Ready! How Much Does The 12 ways to get real estate leads Masterclass Cost?

Maybe you think the price for the masterclass is really expensive.

Most people sell this level of advanced real estate information for hundreds or even thousands of dollars. I could sell it for that amount, but I'm not.

I'm going to give it to you for just $97.

This is a marketing test for me to see if we can add high-quality partners to our roster... it may not work out...

So I may be taking down this 12 WAYS TO GET REAL ESTATE LEADS  masterclass if it doesn't attract the right kind of people.

I'm sorry if that sounds "selfish" of me, but it's the truth.

The fact is, I discover new strategies all the time... strategies other real estate agents don't know about... and I use them to attract clients to me.

That's one of the benefits of being an avid tester and running a hardcore real world business. I search for, test and try new things all the time... with an almost religious pursuit!

You really need to GET ACCESS NOW! Don't put it off or you will lose out.  The training will either be removed, or the price will dramatically increase.

Get started now

Woman Checking Out At Register

Let's Wrap This Up...

How much more leverage would you have if you knew exactly how to attract clients like a pro?

How much time would you save and be able to show clients houses that are perfect for them faster... if you didn't have to worry about generating your next customer?

How would it feel if you could achieve personal dreams and goals easier, boost monthly sales results, elevate your confidence?

That's the power of knowing how to attract clients like a pro....

Let me be honest with you, the price to access my  12 WAYS TO GET REAL ESTATE LEADS   Masterclass was going to be several hundred dollars.

Now, considering that you can walk away with my top strategies to attract clients like a pro...

And that you won't have to worry about where your next paycheck will come from!

And that it will give you the ability to achieve personal dreams and goals easier, boost monthly sales results, elevate your confidence or attract the best customers for you!

I'm sure you'd agree that several hundred dollars is actually exceedingly fair.

But that is not what you are going to be paying here today.

I have sacrificed 17 years to learn what I now know about attracting clients. I'm not about to just give it away to people who are going to take it for granted.

If you're ready for me to show you my best cutting-edge advanced sales strategies you can use to attract clients you want to work with...

Here's What To Do Next...

Like I mentioned, This  masterclass is only $97, and you get it instantly.

And since it's available on-demand, you can enroll and get instant access to it right now.

As soon as you click the enroll button on this page, and fill out some simple details, you'll get a special link sent to your email inbox with all the details on how to get instant access to the  12 WAYS TO GET REAL ESTATE LEADS   Masterclass, FOR only $97!

Oh, and in case you're wondering . . .

There Is No Catch!

I know there are some websites out there that offer you a great deal on something but then they stick you in some program that charges your card every month.

This isn't one of them.

There's NO hidden "continuity program" you have to try . . . or anything even remotely like that.

I'm literally giving you this entire masterclass, for only $97, as a means of "putting my best foot forward" and demonstrating real over-the-top value.

My hope is that you'll love it and this will be the start of a good business relationship for years to come.

With all that being said, there is ONE thing to keep in mind:

Time Is Of The Essence

I'm taking a loss by giving you access to this masterclass for so little.

It costs me a lot more than that in advertising expense to get just one person to attend.**

So why would I do that?

Simple. I'm making this offer with the idea that you'll be very impressed with what I'm teaching you today, and you'll want to do more business with me in the future.

Don't worry - I don't have a sales team that will call and bother you or anything like that.

It's actually the opposite. I'm betting that you'll enjoy the workshop so much, you'll reach out to me!

Anyway - with all of that said, this is a limited opportunity.

You're Going To Get Instant Access To A Hands-On 12 WAYS TO GET REAL ESTATE LEADS  Masterclass... FOR ONLY $97!

During this masterclass, I'll walk you through exactly what I'm doing to share more than a dozen ways to attract real estate clients to you, ...and all without having to guess or struggle not knowing what to do...

You'll see the methods I use to generate the leads.

You'll see the marketing strategy I recommend.

There's only a nominal $97 charge for this.

This Is Truly A Limited Time Masterclass So Click The Button Below And Get INSTANT ACCESS!

Enroll In This Online Masterclass Now

What You'll Learn

12 Ways to get leads (slides 2-14)
Current topics to use in your marketing - (slide 15) 
How to get started generating leads (slide 16)

Thanks for taking the time to read this letter and I look forward to hearing from you soon!

See you on the next page,


P.S. In case you're one of those people (like me) who just skip to the end of the letter, here's the deal:

I've put together this 12 WAYS TO GET REAL ESTATE LEADS Masterclass that you can get instant access to right now, FOR only $97

When you join, you'll get top strategies that I use to generate real estate leads, . . . and all without needing to guess what works..., or spend thousands of dollars of your own.

This is a very limited opportunity because it's a marketing test.

This masterclass is $97.

There is no "catch" to this offer. You will not be signing up for any "trial" to some monthly program or anything like that.

About Richard Reid

Richard has sold more than $100 Million in property personally.

For roughly a decade, Richard has been in the top 5% nationally for both transaction volume and dollar volume, and is often a top producer in his local board of REALTORS®.

Richard's technology background allows him to automate complex systems and tasks. He has created technology, tools, and systems that consistently place him in the top 5% of agents, and now he wants to share some of them with you!

Richard Reid Being Interviewed by Bob Guiney

12 Ways to get real estate leads

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